Straightening teeth—which method is for you?

When it comes to straightening your teeth and achieving a confident healthy smile with spacing enough to keep them clean, you have more options than ever before.  Two of the most common methods are clear aligners and traditional braces.  Each option has its unique advantages as well as drawbacks.  In today’s blog, we will explore some differences between the two approaches that will help you make an informed decision on which is right for you.

Clear Aligners:  The Modern Approach
Clear aligners have become more and more popular in recent years.  There are many different brands of these aligners on the market, with the most well-known being Invisalign.  They are a modern, discreet alternative to traditional braces.
Advantages to clear aligners:

  • Aesthetic appeal:  One of the primary benefits of clear aligners is that they are nearly invisible in appearance.  Custom-made for your mouth, they are clear plastic trays that fit over your teeth and are popular for those who want less noticeable orthodontic treatment.
  • Removability:  Clear aligners are removable so you can take them out to eat, brush, and floss.  This ability to easily maintain regular oral hygiene makes for far fewer adverse dental issues during treatment.
  • Comfort:  Clear aligners are generally more comfortable than traditional braces, with no wires or brackets causing irritation to the lips, cheeks, and tongue.
  • Convenience:  With clear aligners, there are fewer visits compared to traditional braces.  After the initial appointment in which clear bonding often is applied to a few teeth in order to hold the aligners in place, most visits take less than five minutes to deliver the next tray in the series.

Drawbacks of Clear Aligners:

  • Compliance:  The success of these aligners depends on you wearing them for at least 22 hours a day.  If you aren’t disciplined with keeping them in your mouth, your treatment may take longer than expected.
  • Limited Suitability:  Clear aligners cannot help people with severe orthodontic issues such as extreme under/overbites or teeth that need to be rotated severely.  In addition, oftentimes a slight amount of enamel may need to be shaved from a few teeth in order to make room for the movements necessary for the teeth.  Talk to your dentist to see if these can be used to treat your particular condition


Traditional Braces:  Time-Tested Solution

Traditional braces have been used for decades and remain a reliable way to treat various orthodontic issues.
Advantages of Traditional Braces:
1.  Effective for complex cases:  Traditional braces can effectively treat severe misalignment,  overbites,  underbites, and other complex issues that in many cases are past the scope of what clear aligners can accomplish.
2.  No compliance issues:  Since braces are fixed on your teeth, there are no compliance issues related to taking them in and out.  This ensures constant progress in your treatment
3.  Lower cost:  Traditional braces are often more cost-effective than clear aligners.

 Drawbacks of Traditional Braces:
1.  Aesthetic Concerns:  The most apparent drawback of traditional braces is their conspicuous appearance.  Ceramic brackets can help disguise them somewhat at a higher cost, but the metal brackets and wires are highly visible when talking and smiling.
2.  Discomfort:  Braces can cause discomfort, particularly during the initial adjustment period and may lead to irritation of the lips, cheeks, and tongue.    
3.  Oral Hygiene Challenges:  Cleaning around braces is very challenging and poor hygiene can produce undesirable results after treatment including tooth decay and inflammation and swelling of the gum tissues, which require further treatment.

Choosing between clear aligners and traditional braces depends on your specific needs, lifestyle, and preferences.  Clear aligners offer a discreet, comfortable, and convenient solution for milder orthodontic cases, while traditional braces are still the go-to option for complex issues.  Consult with your dentist to assess your unique situation and guide you towards the beautiful, healthy smile you’ve always wanted.

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