Tips and Tricks for a Comfortable Dental Visit

Welcome to our new bi-monthly blog where we will be discussing various dental topics.  Please let us know if there are any particular subjects you would like us to address.  Today’s topic:

Tips and Tricks for a Comfortable Dental Visit

Dental visits are an essential part of maintaining your health, but they often make people feel anxious or uncomfortable.  The thought of sitting in a dental chair can be nerve-wracking for many adults.  Today’s blog with offer a few tips to transform your dental visits from stressful experiences into comfortable ones.
    1.  Choose the right dentist:
Your choice of a dentist can significantly impact your dental experience.  Look for a dentist who is known for their friendly and compassionate approach.  Read reviews and ask for recommendations from friends and family.  Establish a good rapport at your first appointment to help ease your anxiety.
    2.  Communicate your fears and concerns:
Don’t be afraid to communicate your fears and concerns as we are trained to work with anxious patients and can adjust our approach to make you more comfortable.  For example, patients with extreme anxiety are premedicated in our office with an oral sedative.  This option requires that you have a driver available to get you to and from your appointment.  For patients who are severe gaggers, we have a new product that when sprinkled on the end of the tongue then swallowed will relieve the gag reflex for 60 minutes.  Let us know how we can help!
    3.  Schedule morning appointments:
If you’re prone to anxiety, scheduling your appointment in the morning can be a smart move.  You’ll be less likely to dwell on the looming visit all day, which often increases anxiety.
    4.  Bring a supportive friend or family member:
Having a trusted friend or family member accompany you can provide the emotional support you need.  We often have family members present chairside for their loved one’s appointments.
    5.  Focus on dental hygiene:
Maintaining good oral hygiene can make your visits more comfortable.  Regular brushing, especially with an electric toothbrush, regular flossing and some mouthwashes can reduce the likelihood of discomfort during your appointments.
    6.  Be consistent with check-ups:
The more regularly you visit the dentist, the more comfortable and familiar the experience will become.  Many of our patients who start out taking antianxiety medication for their first several visits find they don’t require it after a while.  In addition, routine check-ups can help detect issues early, reducing the need for more invasive treatments in the future.


A comfortable dental visit is not an impossible dream.  By choosing the right dentist, communicating your fears, and maintaining good oral hygiene, you can transform your dental appointments from nerve-wracking to comfortable. Remember that dental health is essential to overall health and that taking these steps can make the experience more manageable and maybe even something to look forward to!

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